Placing an Order

Find a Product

To place an order you can use the (1) navigation bar on the left hand-side of the screen to navigate to the correct area of our website or alternatively use the (2) search bar located in the top right corner of the screen to find the products you are wishing to purchase.

Navigation Bar



Adding a Product to Cart

When you have found the product you can (1) select from the choices available (if applicable), (2) choose the quantity and (3) click ‘Add to cart’.

Order Product



View Cart

To review the contents of your cart and to make any changes like adding multiples or removing items from your cart (1) click on the shopping basket in the top right of the screen and (2) click on ‘View Cart’.

View Cart




Once you are ready to place your order you can (1) click on the shopping basket in the top right of the screen and (2) click on ‘Checkout’ or alternatively (3) click on the ‘Checkout’ link in the horizontal navigation bar.

Checkout 1




And Finally

The checkout page is where you enter your details such as name, address etc and also a separate shipping address if required. Your order will be shown below which will include a delivery charge if applicable.

The next step on the Checkout page is to select your preferred method of payment (debit card, credit card, Paypal, bank transfer or cheque). Once all the required field have been completed click ‘Place order’.

You will then receive an email to confirm that your order has been received and is being processed.


Easy Peasy!